Hello! I'm
Danielle Riedel

About Me

I'm Danielle and I'm a Developer

I earned my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at the end of 2020 from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, but I've been a tech afficianado for as long as I can remember. I love figuring out and applying new technologies, so many of my personal projects reflect that full stack/end-to-end mindset. When I'm not coding I'm playing obscure PC games and making small batch mead.

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My Projects

My Skills

Skills from formal education and personal pursuits.

I started coding in C++, specifically due to the idea that if you can figure out pointers, references, and memory management, you'd be capable of most OOP languages. So far that's proven true, everything else seems easier by comparison! With the exception of C of course. Javascript, HTML, CSS and JQuery came into play with my web development classes, and when I got a handle on syntax I moved into Node.js for the server scripting and web API portions of a few projects and React.js as a front end. I've worked with a few different databases; MongoDB, Firebase, and MySql. I'm currently investing more time into learning C# and ASP.NET Core, along with exploring AWS beyond hosting this static site.

C++ 3 Years
Javascript 2 Years
C# 1 Year

Contact Me

Get in touch

If you've made it this far and you'd like to contact me for opportunities, feel free to use the email form to the right!

Danielle Riedel
Arvada, CO
Email Me